The genetic sequences of 100 inbred lines of sweet corn were obtained by using the 56K chip,


Title The genetic sequences of 100 inbred lines of sweet corn were obtained by using the 56K chip,
Description SNP detection was performed on 100 sweet corn inbred lines using a 56k gene chip, and the germination characteristics of 100 sweet corn inbred lines were determined at low temperatures
Organism Zea mays
Data Type Other type of Microarray Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA022770
Release Date 2024-01-12
Submitter zhenxing wu (
Organization Institute of Maize and Featured Upland Crops,Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Submission Date 2024-01-11
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX005640-01 raw genotype data 8 Other type of Microarray Data 6.9 MB rar 0

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