A Clinical Study of GC012F Injection in the Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory BCMA + Multiple Myeloma


Title A Clinical Study of GC012F Injection in the Treatment of Relapsed/Refractory BCMA + Multiple Myeloma
Description This is a single-arm, multicenter, open-label clinical study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of GC012F in patients with relapsed/refractory BCMA + multiple myeloma (MM).It is planned that 15 patients will be enrolled in this trial and treated at the optimal dose obtained in the previous trial. The trial will be divided into six phases: screening phase, leukapheresis day, baseline phase, chemotherapy pretreatment phase, cell infusion phase, and follow-up phase. After screening and at 3-5 days before GC012F infusion, for eligible patients, the investigator will decide whether they will receive chemotherapy pretreatment and choose the chemotherapy regimen according to their conditions.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Proteomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA023071
Release Date 2024-01-23
Submitter mingyue xiang (
Organization Gracell Biotechnologies Inc
Submission Date 2024-01-22
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OMIX005725-01 RRMM-IIT 1 Other Type of Proteomic Data 77.7 KB xlsx 0 Controlled

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