Piglet colonic content metabolome


Title Piglet colonic content metabolome
Description Research on the effect of oral administration of the gut symbiont Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron on the diarrhea rate and intestinal health of piglets under conditions of diarrhea induced by low temperature and dirty pens. The use of data is subject to the consent of the person in charge, otherwise legal responsibility will be pursued.
Organism Sus scrofa
Data Type Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA023182
Release Date 2024-03-06
Submitter cong lan (
Organization Sichuan Agricultural University
Submission Date 2024-01-25
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OMIX005746-01 NC_vs_B 16 Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 5.1 MB rar 0

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