Subgroup analysis of efficacy endpoints-potential relationship between objective response rate and co-mutation status


Title Subgroup analysis of efficacy endpoints-potential relationship between objective response rate and co-mutation status
Description In the subgroup analysis, we evaluated the potential relationship between objective response rate (ORR) and co-mutation status. A superior response was seen in patients with KRAS G12C and PIK3CA co-mutation, while an inferior response was seen in patients with KRAS G12C and STK11 or KEAP1 co-mutations.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Clinical Research data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA023276
Release Date 2024-01-30
Submitter Diandian Wang (
Organization InventisBio Co., Ltd
Submission Date 2024-01-29
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OMIX005764-02 Co-mutation status from clinical information. 1 Clinical Research data 170.2 KB zip 0 Controlled

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