Genetic admixture and evolutionary history of Han Chinese in the Shandong Peninsula inferred from integrative modern and ancient genomic resources


Title Genetic admixture and evolutionary history of Han Chinese in the Shandong Peninsula inferred from integrative modern and ancient genomic resources
Description We reported one integrative ancient and modern genomic resource to inspect the fine-scale population admixture scenarios and adaptative evolutionary features. Demographical history reconstruction and hierarchical clustering patterns suggested that northern Han from the Shandong peninsula had long-term genetic continuity and mobility in the lower YRB since the middle Neolithic period. The reconstructed allele frequency trajectories and haplotype network identified two highly differentiated genes related to axillary odor (ABCC11) and bilirubin metabolism (SLC10A1). Our work underscored the importance of evolutionary views in understanding the spatiotemporal distribution patterns of genetic risk variants and provided one paradigm for combining ancient genomes in the population genomic medicine era.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA023355
Release Date 2024-06-06
Submitter Guanglin He (
Organization Institute of Rare Diseases, West China Hospital of Sichuan University
Submission Date 2024-01-31
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