Phase II Trial of Taletrectinib in Chinese Patients with ROS1+ NSCLC


Title Phase II Trial of Taletrectinib in Chinese Patients with ROS1+ NSCLC
Description The purpose of the study is to evaluate safety, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of AB-106 monotherapy in the treatment of advanced NSCLC
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Genetic Biomarkers
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA023373
Release Date 2024-03-18
Submitter ling zhang (
Organization shanghai pulmonary hospital
Submission Date 2024-02-01
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX005787-01 AB-106-C203_ctDNA_test_Mutation_Summary 290 Genetic Biomarkers 119.9 KB xlsx 0 Unavailable
OMIX005787-02 AB-106-C203_ctDNA_test_ROS1_Result 290 Genetic Biomarkers 48.0 KB xlsx 0 Unavailable
OMIX005787-03 AB-106-C203_local_test_ROS1_Result 173 Genetic Biomarkers 16.0 KB xlsx 0 Unavailable
OMIX005787-04 AB-106-C203_tissue_test_ROS1_Result 262 Genetic Biomarkers 56.3 KB csv 0 Unavailable

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