PIK3CA gene variants detecting with PCR and NGS methods


Title PIK3CA gene variants detecting with PCR and NGS methods
Description To detect PIK3CA gene variants, PCR and NGS methods are currently available in the market.PCR technology is famous for its high sensitivity and universality, but due to the single and known detection site, the number of genes and forms of variants that can be covered by the multiple gene combination test is limited, and it is not suitable for exploring the unknown sequences.NGS can detect all forms and unknown gene variants at once, but the detection cost and time investment are relatively high. The NGS method can detect all forms of gene variants and unknown gene variants at one time, but the detection cost and time investment are relatively high. In order to compare the consistency of the two methods, some real-world data are needed.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Genetic Biomarkers
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA023480
Release Date 2024-02-06
Submitter Danchen Li (
Organization Shanghai OrigiMed Co. Ltd.,
Submission Date 2024-02-06
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