Physiological, transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses to reveal the mechanism of Hemin in alleviating NaCl stress of rice seedlings


Title Physiological, transcriptomic and metabolomic analyses to reveal the mechanism of Hemin in alleviating NaCl stress of rice seedlings
Description It is unclear the molecular mechanism of Hemin in regulating salt tolerance of rice. In this experiment, we used conventional rice Huanghuazhan ('HHZ', A ) and hybrid rice Xiangliangyou900 ('XLY900', B) as test materials and applied Hemin at the seedling stage. To investigate the effects of Hemin on rice leaf physiology and biochemistry, transcriptome and metabolome. At the three leaves and one heart stage, each group was sprayed with Hemin. The NaCl solution was imposed. The different treatments were as follows: (1)CK (control): normal water; (2)S: NaCl treatment, (3)SH: NaCl+Hemin. Measurement of physiological, transcriptional and metabolic parameters in leaves. Under salt stress, Hemin activated the antioxidant defense system, reduced ROS accumulation, and regulated the expression of relevant genes and metabolites in response to stress. This study provided a molecular mechanism for Hemin in regulating salt tolerance of rice.
Organism Oryza sativa
Data Type Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA023941
Release Date 2024-03-02
Submitter Fengyan Meng (
Organization Guangdong Ocean University
Submission Date 2024-03-01
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