Spatial transcriptome analysis of human fetal vaginal epithelium


Title Spatial transcriptome analysis of human fetal vaginal epithelium
Description The human vaginal epithelium is a crucial component in numerous reproductive processes and serves as a vital protective barrier against pathogenic invasion. Despite its significance, a comprehensive exploration of its molecular profiles, including molecule expression and distribution across its multiple layers, remains elusive. In our study, we undertook a spatial transcriptomic analysis within the vaginal wall of human fetuses to fill this knowledge gap. Through rigorous analysis, we successfully categorized vaginal epithelial cells into four distinct clusters based on their transcriptomic profiles and mapped them onto the corresponding anatomical zones. This approach revealed unique transcriptomic signatures within these regions, enabling us to identify differentially expressed genes and enriched pathways linked to key biological processes such as proliferation, metabolism, and immunity.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA023518
Release Date 2024-04-01
Submitter guangfeng Zhao (
Organization Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Medical School, Nanjing University
Submission Date 2024-03-07
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OMIX005958-01 spaceranger out files and original H-E staining image for sample V22W-6 24 Expression Profiling by NGS 799.79 MB zip 0 Unavailable
OMIX005958-02 spaceranger out files and original H-E staining image for sample V22W-5 24 Expression Profiling by NGS 806.96 MB zip 0 Unavailable

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