Twig age-dependent negative correlation between Taxol accumulation and endophytic fungal assembles provide insights into screening efficient Taxol-related fungal elicitors


Title Twig age-dependent negative correlation between Taxol accumulation and endophytic fungal assembles provide insights into screening efficient Taxol-related fungal elicitors
Description The analytical instrument for this experiment was a LC-MS system composed of a Waters ACQUITY UPLC I-Class plus/Thermo QE ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem high resolution mass spectrometer. The column was ACQUITY UPLC HSS T3 . Column temperature:45; Mobile phase: Mobile phase: A-water, b-acetonitrile; Flow rate:0.35mL/min; Injection volume:3μL.Ion source: ESI; The positive and negative ions were scanned separately for sample quality spectrum signal acquisition, and the specific acquisition mode was data dependent acquisition (DDA).
Organism Taxus mairei
Data Type Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA024086
Release Date 2024-03-09
Submitter Chenjia Shen (
Organization Hangzhou Normal University
Submission Date 2024-03-07
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OMIX005959-01 DZLM2023080868LCMS 6 Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 26.87 GB tar 0

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