CytoSNP-850K-NextSeq550DX-amniotic fluid


Title CytoSNP-850K-NextSeq550DX-amniotic fluid
Description custom-generatedCytoSNP-850K-NextSeq550DX cluster for amniotic fluid:was generated by GenomeStudio 2.0 version using 218 normal amniotic fluid samples and can improve the call rate and accuracy for aberrant amniotic fluid cases than the official cluster.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other type of Microarray Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA019570
Release Date 2024-04-12
Submitter Chen Chen (
Organization Unimed Biotech (Shanghai) Co. Ltd.
Submission Date 2024-03-11
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OMIX005967-01 CytoSNP-850K-NextSeq550DX-amniotic fluid 1 Other type of Microarray Data 46.6 MB zip 0

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