DNA methylation profiling reveals subtypes of oligosarcoma, IDH-mutant with distinct molecular features and clinical outcomes


Title DNA methylation profiling reveals subtypes of oligosarcoma, IDH-mutant with distinct molecular features and clinical outcomes
Description we collected 18 MC oligosarcomas, upon detailed molecular and histopathological analysis, dividing into two subtypes. This finding challenged the conventional understanding of MC oligosarcoma, IDH-mutant and suggested the potential overlap and difference of the molecular pathways between the two subtypes. We provided a comprehensive clinical, radiological, histological, and molecular characterization of the tumor, emphasized its distinctiveness and potential implications for diagnosis and treatment.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Methylation profiling by Array
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA024232
Release Date 2024-04-01
Submitter Zheng Zhao (
Organization Beijing Nuerosurgical Institute
Submission Date 2024-03-12
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