Topdouble IA 1 gene mutation result data


Title Topdouble IA 1 gene mutation result data
Description Baseline tissues collected from patients in the intent-to-treat population will undergo next-generation sequencing using the GeneseeqPrime panel (Nanjing Geneseeq Technology Inc., China), which covers 437 cancer-related genes. The aim of this analysis is to explore baseline gene profile of tumor tissue, to characterize the different genetic alterations of China-specific study population , to better understand BTC disease mechanisms and explore mechanisms of resistance to treatment and identify putative biomarkers of prognosis prediction.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA024692
Release Date 2024-03-27
Submitter huichuan Sun (
Organization Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University
Submission Date 2024-03-26
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OMIX006091-01 D933AL00006-Topdouble gene mutation list 113 Other Type of Genomic Data 213.1 KB xlsx 0 Unavailable

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