Peony Exploratory Analyses of Biomarker Changes - from baseline to surgical samples in HER2+ Breast Cancer patients


Title Peony Exploratory Analyses of Biomarker Changes - from baseline to surgical samples in HER2+ Breast Cancer patients
Description One study evaluated patients with early-stage or locally advanced HER2-positive breast cancer who received pertuzumab plus docetaxel, trastuzumab (neoadjuvant therapy) before surgery, and pertuzumab plus trastuzumab after postoperative chemotherapy. The data of the randomized, multi-center, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study of zizumab (adjuvant therapy) were released at the conference, including HER2 FISH, HER2/3 mRNA and PIK3CA report data, and did not involve sequencing.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Genetic Biomarkers
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA025141
Release Date 2024-04-11
Submitter Lanyun Xiang (
Organization Hangzhong Tigermed Consulting Co., Ltd.
Submission Date 2024-04-10
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OMIX006201-01 HER2 FISH, HER2/3 mRNA and PIK3CA report data 261 Genetic Biomarkers 435.0 KB xlsx 0 Unavailable

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