Astrazeneca D9670C00001 study China subject HER2 ISH testing data


Title Astrazeneca D9670C00001 study China subject HER2 ISH testing data
Description According to study protocol, subjects' HER2 ISH testing was conducted in central lab Labcorp(Shanghai). This data is HER2 ISH testing result data which is planned to share in ASCO and ESMO meeting.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA025546
Release Date 2024-04-27
Submitter Xichun Hu (
Organization Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center
Submission Date 2024-04-23
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OMIX006302-01 Astrazeneca D9670C00001 study China subject HER2 ISH testing data 32 Other Type of Genomic Data 26.3 KB csv 0 Unavailable

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