Novel regulators identified by quantitative phosphoproteomics analysis during ticagrelor-induced inhibition of platelet


Title Novel regulators identified by quantitative phosphoproteomics analysis during ticagrelor-induced inhibition of platelet
Description Ticagrelor is frequently applied in antiplatelet therapy. However, its application is associated with increased risk of bleeding complications. To study its antiplatelet mechanisms, mass-spectrometry-based phosphoproteomic technique was applied to obtain phosphorylation spectra in platelets. Platelets underwent activation with 20 μM ADP for 30 seconds followed by inhibition with 2 nM ticagrelor for another 30 seconds. We successfully quantified 2285 phosphopeptides with high confidence in 1189 phosphoprotein. The data file contains the quantification of the 2285 phosphopeptides.
Organism Homo
Data Type Other Type of Proteomic Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA025725
Release Date 2024-04-30
Submitter Zhe Xu (
Organization Beijing Tiantan Hospital, Capital Medical University
Submission Date 2024-04-29
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