RNA-seq mapping of testicular development in heat stress-treated mice


Title RNA-seq mapping of testicular development in heat stress-treated mice
Description The testis serves as the primary site for spermatogenesis in mammals and is a crucial organ for the secretion of male hormones. Heat stress (HS) can have adverse effects on the seminiferous tubules, sperm quality, and sperm fertilization capability within the testis. Despite numerous previous studies describing various time points after heat stress in mice, a systematic and comprehensive dataset on heat stress and recovery in mice has been lacking. This study aimed to explore the gene expression changes in the recovery of multiple seminiferous epithelial cycles and spermatogenic cycles in mouse testicles after heat stress.
Organism Mus musculus
Data Type Expression Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA023671
Release Date 2024-05-09
Submitter Yiting Yang (
Organization Sichuan Agricultural University
Submission Date 2024-04-30
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