

Title CMAISE-V1.0_RNA-seq_expressionMatrix
Description Using the same StringTie Quantification Parameters for different batches; there are two batches denoted as LC and singlorn with sample size of 1089+380; Cite the reference if you use the data: PMID: 36544199; PMID: 37792053
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA006118
Release Date 2024-08-28
Submitter Zhongheng Zhang (
Organization Zhejiang University
Submission Date 2024-05-19
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX006457-01 LCgenes_fpkm1089 1089 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 557.28 MB txt 0
OMIX006457-02 LC_COUNT1089 1089 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 175.2 MB csv 0
OMIX006457-03 singlornFPKM 380 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 857.45 MB txt 0
OMIX006457-04 stringTieParameter 1 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 10.81 KB docx 0
OMIX006457-05 singlornCount 380 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 228.31 MB csv 0
OMIX006457-06 Readmefile 1 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 221 B txt 0
OMIX006457-07 singlorn_GeneCount 380 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 61.76 MB csv 0
OMIX006457-08 singlorn_geneFPKM 380 Non-coding RNA Profiling by NGS 119.58 MB txt 0

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