ADMIN IA 1 EGFRm clinical data


Title ADMIN IA 1 EGFRm clinical data
Description This study will investigate the efficacy and safety of osimertinib as adjuvant treatment in resectable NSCLC harboring uncommon EGFRm (single or compound mutations of G719X/L861Q/S768I/de novo T790M excluding exon 19 del/L858R/exon 20 insertion) to explore opportunities for the use of adjuvant osimertinib in this subset of patients. EGFRm Baseline EGFR mutation testing with one or multiple EGFR mutations of G719X/L861Q/S768I/de novo T790M and without EGFR 19del/L858R/20 insertion subjects will be eligible for inclusion in the study. Subjects are eligible to be considered for inclusion on the basis of local pre-existing EGFR tumour tissue testing results by molecular testing whose method reviewed and approved by the regulatory authority in China. The purpose of the study is to better understand the efficacy and safety of Osimertinib adjuvant treatment in uncommon EGFRm NSCLC.
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Other Type of Genomic Data
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA026580
Release Date 2024-05-31
Submitter Lunxu Liu (
Organization West China Hospital, Sichuan University
Submission Date 2024-05-29
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