Host-microbe interaction-mediated resistance to DSS-induced inflammatory enteritis in sheep


Title Host-microbe interaction-mediated resistance to DSS-induced inflammatory enteritis in sheep
Description The disease resistance phenotype is closely related to immunomodulatory function and immune tolerance and has far-reaching implications in animal husbandry and human health. Microbes play an important role in the initiation, prevention, and treatment of diseases, but the mechanisms of host-microbiota interactions in disease-resistant phenotypes are poorly understood. In this study, we hope to uncover and explain the role of microbes in intestinal diseases and their mechanisms of action to identify new potential treatments.
Organism Ovis aries
Data Type Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS)
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA026594
Release Date 2024-05-30
Submitter Shuo Yan (
Organization Inner Mongolia University
Submission Date 2024-05-29
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX006548-01 Mouse metabolic data 1 Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 859.55 MB zip 0
OMIX006548-02 Sheep metabolic data 1 Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 865.19 MB zip 0
OMIX006548-03 Mouse metabolic data2 1 Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 875.03 MB zip 0
OMIX006548-04 Sheep metabolic data2 1 Metabolome Data by Mass Spectrometry (MS) 1.25 GB zip 0

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