Cryo-EM structures of Thogoto virus polymerase reveal unique RNA transcription and replication mechanisms among orthomyxoviruses


Title Cryo-EM structures of Thogoto virus polymerase reveal unique RNA transcription and replication mechanisms among orthomyxoviruses
Description virus replication and transcription
Organism Thogoto virus (isolate SiAr 126)
Data Type Protein 3D Structure Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA026683
Release Date 2024-06-04
Submitter GIBH Biomedical Data & HPC (
Organization Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Submission Date 2024-05-31
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OMIX006579-01 8Z85; 8Z8J; 8Z8N; 8Z8X; 8Z90; 8Z97;8Z98;8Z9H; 8Z9Q; 8Z9R. 10 Protein 3D Structure Data 4.2 MB zip 0
OMIX006579-02 EMD-39838 ; EMD-39848 ; EMD-39849; EMD-39850 ; EMD-39852 ; EMD-39855 ; EMD-39856 ; EMD-39862 ; EMD-39867 ; EMD-39868 . 10 Protein 3D Structure Data 376.1 MB zip 0

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