RNA sequence analysis for fli1a positive cells and flk1 positive cells sorted from zebrafish embryos at 20 and 28 hpf


Title RNA sequence analysis for fli1a positive cells and flk1 positive cells sorted from zebrafish embryos at 20 and 28 hpf
Description 20 hpf and 28 hpf embryos treated with DMSO and BF170 treatment were collected and fli1a-GFP and flk1-mCherry positive cells were sorted out into SMART-SeqTM V4 kit lysis buffer containing RNase inhibitor. All samples were amplified to obtain cDNA product by using Smart Seq2 method, and the concentrations of amplified products were measured by Qubit 3.0 Flurometer. For library construction, cDNA samples were firstly fragmented to approximately 350 bp by Bioruptor Sonication System. The fragments were subjected to end repair, addition of A base and adaptor ligation, and then purified using Beckman A mpure XP beads. The libraries were run on Illumina HiSeq platform by double-end sequencing program. Bioinformatics analysis was performed based on GRCz10.88 zebrafish reference genome. Differential expression analysis was conducted using DEGSeq. DEGs were used for GO and KEGG functional analysis
Organism Danio rerio
Data Type Expression Profiling by Array
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA026996
Release Date 2024-06-17
Submitter WenYe Liu (
Organization Huazhong Agricultural University
Submission Date 2024-06-13
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OMIX006675-02 RNA seq analysis data for flia and flk1 positive cells treated with BF170 2892 Expression Profiling by Array 749.68 MB zip 0

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