The effect of dietary supplementation of Lycium barbarum leaves on the growth performance, organ indexes and intestinal microflora of rats


Title The effect of dietary supplementation of Lycium barbarum leaves on the growth performance, organ indexes and intestinal microflora of rats
Description L. barbarum leaf homogenate fed to rats could increase their growth performance, internal organ weights and additionally enhance the relative abundance of beneficial bacteria. Therefor, base on the obtained data in the current study, a dose of L. barbarum leaf homogenate supplemented with 2 g/kg in diet is recommended, however, further studies are required to confirm, especially in animals.
Organism Rattus
Data Type Chemical Biomarkers
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA028224
Release Date 2024-07-19
Submitter Yindi Guo (
Organization Ningxia university
Submission Date 2024-07-18
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