GC-MS data of CSFP population


Title GC-MS data of CSFP population
Description We generated a peach population consisting of 184 accessions by crossing cultivars with different flesh colors and volatile contents and quantifyied volatiles. We identified key volatiles contributing to the loss of aroma in red-fleshed peach fruit, enhanced understanding of the intricate interplay between appearance and flavor
Organism Prunus persica
Data Type Other Type of Metabolome Data
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA028309
Release Date 2024-07-25
Submitter Yike Su (
Organization Zhejiang University
Submission Date 2024-07-19
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OMIX006918-04 2019-GCMS 174 Other Type of Metabolome Data 978.14 MB zip 0
OMIX006918-05 2018-GCMS 159 Other Type of Metabolome Data 1.52 GB zip 0

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