Study on Severe New Crown Pneumonia Patients with Artificial Liver Treatment


Title Study on Severe New Crown Pneumonia Patients with Artificial Liver Treatment
Description Artificial liver system can clear inflammatory mediators to block the cytokine storm, preventing severe cases of COVID-19 from progressing to critically severe type, thus remarkably reducing the fatality rate of severe and critically severe patients. Furthermore, it works more effectively on severe patients in the early stage of cytokine storm and reduces the mortality rate more than 30 % .Early and accurate prediction of which NCP patients will develop into severe and critical conditions, early hierarchical management of these patients, and targeted treatment measures in advance are the keys to reducing mortality, reducing medical burden and maintaining the fight against the epidemic. Screening antiviral drugs with high efficacy is the key to successful treatment.
Organism Homo
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA005133
Release Date 2021-05-24
Submitter Mengfei Zhu (
Organization shulang(hangzhou) hospital
Submission Date 2021-05-24
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