Single-cell multi-omics sequencing reveals the reprogramming defects in embryos generated by round spermatid injection


Title Single-cell multi-omics sequencing reveals the reprogramming defects in embryos generated by round spermatid injection
Description Round spermatid injection (ROSI) technique holds great promise for clinical treatment of infertile men who were diagnosed as that round spermatids are the most mature germ cells. However, the mechanisms underlying the poor developmental potential of both human and mouse ROSI embryos and how to overcome it remains largely unknown. Here, we establish the gene expression, chromatin accessibility and DNA methylation landscapes of mouse ROSI embryos using a single-cell multi-omics approach. Comparative analysis reveals the molecular reprogramming barriers marked by these three layer profiling abnormalities in ROSI embryos despite successful reprogramming globally. We screen out a novel small compound-A366 that can increase the rate of ROSI embryos to blastocyst stage and healthy pub by about 2 times. Finally, we demonstrate that A366 exerts its roles by partial overcoming of the reprogramming barriers.
Organism Mus musculus
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA005396
Release Date 2022-06-28
Submitter Xiaoyang Zhao (
Organization Southern Medical University
Submission Date 2021-06-10
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX355-60-01 WCG and GCH txt.gz 936 DNA Methylation 28.9 GB tar 0
OMIX355-20-02 gene_expression_log2TPM.txt.gz 1 Transcriptomic 16.1 MB gz 0

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