Demonstration and development of key technologies for quality control of medical bioomics data2


Title Demonstration and development of key technologies for quality control of medical bioomics data2
Description This project was organized by a group of experts from Beijing Normal University, Sun Yat-sen University, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Jinan University has four interdisciplinary research teams in the front line of teaching and scientific research, with high-throughput sequencing equipment and high scores On the basis of discriminating proteomic analysis techniques, the key technical issues of proteomic data quality control are discussed The following measures should be taken: 1. Study and construct Chinese omics reference materials and reference data set; 2.Sample collection, processing,Systematical bench marking is carried out for the whole process of transportation, storage, testing, data generation, storage, quality assessment and analysis Standardization research and automatic monitoring research;3. Put the whole process omics data quality control standards and procedures in the basic medical department Scientific and clinical application and other technical methods.
Organism Metazoa
Data Type Proteomic
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA005762
Release Date 2023-07-24
Submitter Youhe Gao (
Organization Beijing Normal University
Submission Date 2021-07-19
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX487-10-01 2018YFC0910202_Study on the performance of CFAST for plasma sample processing (10 cases) 10 Proteomic 16.12 GB zip 0
OMIX487-10-02 2018YFC0910202_Deep and comprehensive identification of urine proteome of healthy people (30 cases) 30 Proteomic 57.57 GB zip 0
OMIX487-10-03 2018YFC0910202_A new technique for detecting extracellular vesicles (20 cases) 20 Proteomic 44.06 GB zip 0
OMIX487-10-04 2018YFC0910202_Study on Differential Expression of Plasma Proteome between Diabetic Patients and Diabetic 50 Proteomic 74.26 GB zip 0
OMIX487-10-05 2018YFC0910202_Study on IgA Nephropathy, Membrane Nephropathy and Urine Proteome of Normal People (50 Cases) 50 Proteomic 50.01 GB zip 0
OMIX487-10-06 2018YFC0910202_Standard operating procedure for cell sample treatment and evaluation 15 Proteomic 27.67 GB zip 0
OMIX487-10-07 2018YFC0910202_Study on early biomarkers of various diseases (340 cases) 340 Proteomic 466.08 GB zip 0

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