Transcriptome profiling and N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of abiotic responses to salt of Popular


Title Transcriptome profiling and N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of abiotic responses to salt of Popular
Description We treated the 84k poplar after 100 mM NaCl treatment for 48 h as the treatment group, and the poplar without NaCl treatment as the control group, after sampling at the same time, RNA-seq and MeRIP-seq were performed.
Organism Populus alba x Populus glandulosa
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA007535
Release Date 2024-01-29
Submitter yun li (
Organization Beijing Forestry University
Submission Date 2021-12-21
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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX832-61-01 S48_3_IP.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 348.23 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-02 S48_3_IP.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 281.91 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-03 S48_3_Input.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 313.67 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-04 S48_3_Input.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 250.39 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-05 S48_2_IP.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 397.6 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-06 S48_2_IP.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 320.97 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-07 S48_2_Input.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 334.14 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-08 S48_2_Input.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 267.28 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-09 S48_1_IP.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 431.47 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-10 S48_1_IP.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 534.61 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-11 S48_1_Input.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 341.85 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-12 S48_1_Input.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 273.32 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-13 S0_3_IP.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 391.19 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-14 S0_3_IP.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 315.47 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-15 S0_3_Input.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 336.94 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-16 S0_3_Input.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 269.5 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-17 S0_2_IP.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 358.65 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-18 S0_2_IP.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 289.29 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-19 S0_2_Input.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 396.93 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-20 S0_2_Input.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 317.41 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-21 S0_1_IP.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 383.78 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-22 S0_1_IP.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 309.26 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-23 S0_1_Input.dedup.R2 1 RNA Methylation 395.97 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-61-24 S0_1_Input.dedup.R1 1 RNA Methylation 317.18 MB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-25 S48_3.R2 1 Transcriptomic 1.29 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-26 S48_3.R1 1 Transcriptomic 1.22 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-27 S48_2.R2 1 Transcriptomic 1.29 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-28 S48_2.R1 1 Transcriptomic 1.24 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-29 S48_1.R2 1 Transcriptomic 1.26 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-30 S48_1.R1 1 Transcriptomic 1.19 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-31 S0_3.R2 1 Transcriptomic 1.31 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-32 S0_3.R1 1 Transcriptomic 1.24 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-33 S0_2.R2 1 Transcriptomic 1.35 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-34 S0_2.R1 1 Transcriptomic 1.27 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-35 S0_1.R2 1 Transcriptomic 1.46 GB fastq 0
OMIX832-20-36 S0_1.R1 1 Transcriptomic 1.39 GB fastq 0

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