The role of PABPN1 in HB


Title The role of PABPN1 in HB
Description To reveal the role of PABPN1 in HuH6 cells
Organism Homo sapiens
Data Type Proteomic
Data Accessibility Controlled-access
BioProject PRJCA007713
Release Date 2023-12-31
Submitter Qiuhui Pan (
Organization Shanghai Children's Medical Center, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine
Submission Date 2021-12-30
2Files & Download

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File ID File Title Number/Samples File Type File Size File Suffix Download Times Download
OMIX870-10-01 SNORD60-overexpressing HuH6 cells (Repeat 3) 13 Proteomic 2.1 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX870-10-02 SNORD60-overexpressing HuH6 cells (Repeat 1) 13 Proteomic 2.13 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX870-10-03 PABPN1-associated proteins 1 Proteomic 557.79 MB raw 0 Controlled
OMIX870-10-04 Control HuH6 cells for SNORD60-overexpressing HuH6 cells (Repeat 1) 13 Proteomic 2.07 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX870-10-05 Control HuH6 cells for SNORD60-overexpressing HuH6 cells (Repeat 3) 13 Proteomic 2.18 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX870-10-06 SNORD60-overexpressing HuH6 cells (Repeat 2) 13 Proteomic 2.02 GB zip 0 Controlled
OMIX870-10-07 SNHG19-L associated proteins 1 Proteomic 295.39 MB raw 0 Controlled
OMIX870-10-08 Control HuH6 cells for SNORD60-overexpressing HuH6 cells (Repeat 2) 13 Proteomic 2.18 GB zip 0 Controlled

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