Proteomic time-course analyses in hibernating Spermophilus dauricus to protect against muscle atrophy


Title Proteomic time-course analyses in hibernating Spermophilus dauricus to protect against muscle atrophy
Description The mechanism of muscle disuse atrophy resistance in hibernators is important to clarify in the field of physiological ecology. The objective of this project is to provide some new theoretical and experimental evidences for deeply understanding the mechanisms counteracting disuse muscle atrophy in hibernators and to provide insights into possible approaches to prevent and treat disuse muscle atrophy in human.
Organism Spermophilus dauricus
Data Type -
Data Accessibility Open-access
BioProject PRJCA008107
Release Date 2023-10-08
Submitter Kai Dang (
Organization Northwestern Polytechnical University
Submission Date 2022-01-28
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OMIX919-10-01 F6 1 Proteomic 1.25 GB raw 0
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OMIX919-20-06 F5 1 Transcriptomic 1.22 GB raw 0
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OMIX919-10-11 F4 1 Proteomic 1.15 GB raw 0

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