Spatio-temporal transcript profiling of rice roots and shoots in response to phosphate starvation and recovery.

David Secco, Mehdi Jabnoune, Hayden Walker, Huixia Shou, Ping Wu, Yves Poirier, James Whelan
Author Information
  1. David Secco: Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, Australia.


Using rice (Oryza sativa) as a model crop species, we performed an in-depth temporal transcriptome analysis, covering the early and late stages of Pi deprivation as well as Pi recovery in roots and shoots, using next-generation sequencing. Analyses of 126 paired-end RNA sequencing libraries, spanning nine time points, provided a comprehensive overview of the dynamic responses of rice to Pi stress. Differentially expressed genes were grouped into eight sets based on their responses to Pi starvation and recovery, enabling the complex signaling pathways involved in Pi homeostasis to be untangled. A reference annotation-based transcript assembly was also generated, identifying 438 unannotated loci that were differentially expressed under Pi starvation. Several genes also showed induction of unannotated splice isoforms under Pi starvation. Among these, PHOSPHATE2 (PHO2), a key regulator of Pi homeostasis, displayed a Pi starvation-induced isoform, which was associated with increased translation activity. In addition, microRNA (miRNA) expression profiles after long-term Pi starvation in roots and shoots were assessed, identifying 20 miRNA families that were not previously associated with Pi starvation, such as miR6250. In this article, we present a comprehensive spatio-temporal transcriptome analysis of plant responses to Pi stress, revealing a large number of potential key regulators of Pi homeostasis in plants.

Associated Data

SRA | SRA097415


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MeSH Term

Gene Expression Profiling
Gene Expression Regulation, Plant
Plant Proteins
Plant Roots
Plant Shoots


Plant Proteins