SARS-CoV-2 Receptors and Entry Genes Are Expressed in the Human Olfactory Neuroepithelium and Brain.

Leon Fodoulian, Joël Tuberosa, Daniel Rossier, Madlaina Boillat, Chenda Kan, Véronique Pauli, Kristof Egervari, Johannes A Lobrinus, Basile N Landis, Alan Carleton, Ivan Rodriguez
Author Information
  1. Leon Fodoulian: Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
  2. Joël Tuberosa: Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
  3. Daniel Rossier: Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
  4. Madlaina Boillat: Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
  5. Chenda Kan: Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
  6. Véronique Pauli: Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
  7. Kristof Egervari: Service of Clinical Pathology, Department of Genetic Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland.
  8. Johannes A Lobrinus: Service of Clinical Pathology, Department of Genetic Medicine, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland.
  9. Basile N Landis: Rhinology-Olfactology Unit, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland.
  10. Alan Carleton: Department of Basic Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, 1 rue Michel-Servet, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.
  11. Ivan Rodriguez: Department of Genetics and Evolution, Faculty of Sciences, University of Geneva, quai Ernest-Ansermet 30, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland.


Reports indicate an association between COVID-19 and anosmia, as well as the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virions in the olfactory bulb. To test whether the olfactory neuroepithelium may represent a target of the virus, we generated RNA-seq libraries from human olfactory neuroepithelia, in which we found substantial expression of the genes coding for the virus receptor angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 (ACE2) and for the virus internalization enhancer TMPRSS2. We analyzed a human olfactory single-cell RNA-seq dataset and determined that sustentacular cells, which maintain the integrity of olfactory sensory neurons, express and . ACE2 protein was highly expressed in a subset of sustentacular cells in human and mouse olfactory tissues. Finally, we found transcripts in specific brain cell types, both in mice and humans. Sustentacular cells thus represent a potential entry door for SARS-CoV-2 in a neuronal sensory system that is in direct connection with the brain.



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