
You may download the variation data freely. However, please cite "SorGSD: updating and expanding the sorghum genome science database with new contents and tools. [PMID:34344425] " if you use the data for publication. Please note that the data size is large, you can contact us if you face any problem while downloading.

Description Download File Size
Variation profiles of sorghums (SNPs) sorghum.snp.vcf(FTP|https) 26.1G
Variation profiles of sorghums (INDELs) sorghum.indel.vcf(FTP|https) 5.4G
Variation annotation profiles of sorghums (SNPs) sorghum.snp.vep(FTP|https) 6.0G
Variation annotation profiles of sorghums (INDELs) sorghum.indel.vep(FTP|https) 1.6G
Panicle images of sorghums sorghum panicle images(FTP|https) 1.9G
Phenotypic information of sorghums sorghum phenotypic information(FTP|https) 31.4KB
Genome sequences and gene annotation files of
13 sorghum accessions in Tao et al. 2021
13 sorghum accessions(FTP|https) 1.6G