The ChickenGTEx Consortium

Current Coordinator:

Lingzhao Fang, Aarhus University, Denmark.
Email: lingzhao.fang(AT)
Huaijun Zhou, UC Davis, US.
Email: hzhou(AT)
Xiaoxiang Hu, China Agricultural University, China.
Email: huxx(AT)
Ning Yang, China Agricultural University, China.
Email: nyang(AT)

Working groups:

Below are working groups in the current phase of ChickenGTEx. More working groups will come out in the future.

  1. Sample collection/protocol (follow the same protocol as in FAANG)
  2. Bioinformatics
  3. Statistical genetics
  4. Integrative genomics
  5. Population genetics
  6. Web platform development
  7. Functional annotation and validation
  8. Cross-species mapping
  9. Scientific Advisory Board

Join the ChickenGTEx

If interested in the ChickenGTEx, you are welcome to join us through data contribution (bulk and single-cell RNA-Seq, and WGS), data analysis or methods/tools development. Please submit one-page proposal here, or send it by email to lingzhao.fang(AT)

If those resources do not answer your questions or if you have any additional comments, contact the team using the form below.
Copyright © the FarmGTEx-ChickenGTEx Consortium.
To provide feedback or ask a question, contact us on chickengtex(AT)