URL: | http://www.phytosystems.ulg.ac.be/florid/ |
Full name: | Flowering Interactive Database |
Description: | The hand-curated database contains information on 306 genes and links to 1595 publications gathering the work of >4500 authors. Gene/protein functions and interactions within the flowering pathways were inferred from the analysis of related publications, included in the database and translated into interactive manually drawn snapshots. |
Year founded: | 2016 |
Last update: | 2015-09-23 |
Version: | |
Accessibility: |
Country/Region: | Belgium |
Data type: | |
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Major species: |
Keywords: |
University/Institution: | University of Liege |
Address: | PhytoSYSTEMS, Laboratory of Plant Physiology, University of Liege, Quartier Vall ` ee 1 Sart Tilman Campus, 4 ´ Chemin de la Vallee, 4000 Li ´ ege, Belgium |
City: | Li´ege |
Province/State: | |
Country/Region: | Belgium |
Contact name (PI/Team): | Claire Perilleux |
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk): | cperilleux@ulg.ac.be |