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Database Profile


General information

Full name: POST-trAnscriptional Regulation
Description: POSTAR is one of the largest and first integrative resources and platforms incorporating various post-transcriptional regulation events. It enables the experimental biologists to connect protein-RNA interactions with multi-layer information of post-transcriptional regulation and functional genes, and helps them generate novel hypotheses about the post-regulatory mechanisms of phenotypes and diseases. POSTAR is improved from our work on CLIP-seq database, CLIPdb, and RNA secondary structure prediction server, RNAex.
Year founded: 2017
Last update: 2021
Version: POSTAR3
Country/Region: China

Contact information

University/Institution: Tsinghua University
Address: Biotech. Building, School of Life Sciences
City: Beijing
Province/State: Beijing
Country/Region: China
Contact name (PI/Team): Zhi John Lu
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


POSTAR3: an updated platform for exploring post-transcriptional regulation coordinated by RNA-binding proteins. [PMID: 34403477]
Weihao Zhao, Shang Zhang, Yumin Zhu, Xiaochen Xi, Pengfei Bao, Ziyuan Ma, Thomas H Kapral, Shuyuan Chen, Bojan Zagrovic, Yucheng T Yang, Zhi John Lu

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play key roles in post-transcriptional regulation. Accurate identification of RBP binding sites in multiple cell lines and tissue types from diverse species is a fundamental endeavor towards understanding the regulatory mechanisms of RBPs under both physiological and pathological conditions. Our POSTAR annotation processes make use of publicly available large-scale CLIP-seq datasets and external functional genomic annotations to generate a comprehensive map of RBP binding sites and their association with other regulatory events as well as functional variants. Here, we present POSTAR3, an updated database with improvements in data collection, annotation infrastructure, and analysis that support the annotation of post-transcriptional regulation in multiple species including: we made a comprehensive update on the CLIP-seq and Ribo-seq datasets which cover more biological conditions, technologies, and species; we added RNA secondary structure profiling for RBP binding sites; we provided miRNA-mediated degradation events validated by degradome-seq; we included RBP binding sites at circRNA junction regions; we expanded the annotation of RBP binding sites, particularly using updated genomic variants and mutations associated with diseases. POSTAR3 is freely available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2021:() | 65 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
POSTAR2: deciphering the post-transcriptional regulatory logics. [PMID: 30239819]
Zhu Y, Xu G, Yang YT, Xu Z, Chen X, Shi B, Xie D, Lu ZJ, Wang P.

Post-transcriptional regulation of RNAs is critical to the diverse range of cellular processes. The volume of functional genomic data focusing on post-transcriptional regulation logics continues to grow in recent years. In the current database version, POSTAR2 (, we included the following new features and data: updated ?500 CLIP-seq datasets (?1200 CLIP-seq datasets in total) from six species, including human, mouse, fly, worm, Arabidopsis and yeast; added a new module 'Translatome', which is derived from Ribo-seq datasets and contains ?36 million open reading frames (ORFs) in the genomes from the six species; updated and unified post-transcriptional regulation and variation data. Finally, we improved web interfaces for searching and visualizing protein-RNA interactions with multi-layer information. Meanwhile, we also merged our CLIPdb database into POSTAR2. POSTAR2 will help researchers investigate the post-transcriptional regulatory logics coordinated by RNA-binding proteins and translational landscape of cellular RNAs.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2019:47(D1) | 98 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
POSTAR: a platform for exploring post-transcriptional regulation coordinated by RNA-binding proteins. [PMID: 28053162]
Hu B, Yang YT, Huang Y, Zhu Y, Lu ZJ.

We present POSTAR (, a resource of POST-trAnscriptional Regulation coordinated by RNA-binding proteins (RBPs). Precise characterization of post-transcriptional regulatory maps has accelerated dramatically in the past few years. Based on new studies and resources, POSTAR supplies the largest collection of experimentally probed (?23 million) and computationally predicted (approximately 117 million) RBP binding sites in the human and mouse transcriptomes. POSTAR annotates every transcript and its RBP binding sites using extensive information regarding various molecular regulatory events (e.g., splicing, editing, and modification), RNA secondary structures, disease-associated variants, and gene expression and function. Moreover, POSTAR provides a friendly, multi-mode, integrated search interface, which helps users to connect multiple RBP binding sites with post-transcriptional regulatory events, phenotypes, and diseases. Based on our platform, we were able to obtain novel insights into post-transcriptional regulation, such as the putative association between CPSF6 binding, RNA structural domains, and Li-Fraumeni syndrome SNPs. In summary, POSTAR represents an early effort to systematically annotate post-transcriptional regulatory maps and explore the putative roles of RBPs in human diseases. © The Author(s) 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2017:45(D1) | 62 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)


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Created on: 2017-02-13
Curated by:
Yuxin Qin [2022-05-13]
Dong Zou [2019-01-07]
Shixiang Sun [2017-02-13]