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General information

Full name: A Database of RNA Modifications
Description: MODOMICS is a database of RNA modifications that provides comprehensive information concerning the chemical structures of modified ribonucleosides, their biosynthetic pathways, the location of modified residues in RNA sequences, and RNA modifying enzymes.
Year founded: 2006
Last update: 2023
Version: 2023 update
Country/Region: Poland

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Contact information

University/Institution: International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
Address: ul. Ks. Trojdena 4,PL-02-109 Warsaw
City: Warsaw
Country/Region: Poland
Contact name (PI/Team): Janusz M. Bujnicki
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


MODOMICS: a database of RNA modifications and related information. 2023 update. [PMID: 38015436]
Andrea Cappannini, Angana Ray, Elżbieta Purta, Sunandan Mukherjee, Pietro Boccaletto, S Naeim Moafinejad, Antony Lechner, Charles Barchet, Bruno P Klaholz, Filip Stefaniak, Janusz M Bujnicki

The MODOMICS database was updated with recent data and now includes new data types related to RNA modifications. Changes to the database include an expanded modification catalog, encompassing both natural and synthetic residues identified in RNA structures. This addition aids in representing RNA sequences from the RCSB PDB database more effectively. To manage the increased number of modifications, adjustments to the nomenclature system were made. Updates in the RNA sequences section include the addition of new sequences and the reintroduction of sequence alignments for tRNAs and rRNAs. The protein section was updated and connected to structures from the RCSB PDB database and predictions by AlphaFold. MODOMICS now includes a data annotation system, with 'Evidence' and 'Estimated Reliability' features, offering clarity on data support and accuracy. This system is open to all MODOMICS entries, enhancing the accuracy of RNA modification data representation. MODOMICS is available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2024:52(D1) | 61 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
MODOMICS: a database of RNA modification pathways. 2021 update. [PMID: 34893873]
Pietro Boccaletto, Filip Stefaniak, Angana Ray, Andrea Cappannini, Sunandan Mukherjee, Elżbieta Purta, Małgorzata Kurkowska, Niloofar Shirvanizadeh, Eliana Destefanis, Paula Groza, Gülben Avşar, Antonia Romitelli, Pınar Pir, Erik Dassi, Silvestro G Conticello, Francesca Aguilo, Janusz M Bujnicki

The MODOMICS database has been, since 2006, a manually curated and centralized resource, storing and distributing comprehensive information about modified ribonucleosides. Originally, it only contained data on the chemical structures of modified ribonucleosides, their biosynthetic pathways, the location of modified residues in RNA sequences, and RNA-modifying enzymes. Over the years, prompted by the accumulation of new knowledge and new types of data, it has been updated with new information and functionalities. In this new release, we have created a catalog of RNA modifications linked to human diseases, e.g., due to mutations in genes encoding modification enzymes. MODOMICS has been linked extensively to RCSB Protein Data Bank, and sequences of experimentally determined RNA structures with modified residues have been added. This expansion was accompanied by including nucleotide 5'-monophosphate residues. We redesigned the web interface and upgraded the database backend. In addition, a search engine for chemically similar modified residues has been included that can be queried by SMILES codes or by drawing chemical molecules. Finally, previously available datasets of modified residues, biosynthetic pathways, and RNA-modifying enzymes have been updated. Overall, we provide users with a new, enhanced, and restyled tool for research on RNA modification. MODOMICS is available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2022:50(D1) | 361 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
MODOMICS: An Operational Guide to the Use of the RNA Modification Pathways Database. [PMID: 33835459]
Pietro Boccaletto, Błażej Bagiński

MODOMICS is an established database of RNA modifications that provides comprehensive information concerning chemical structures of modified ribonucleosides, their biosynthetic pathways, the location of modified residues in RNA sequences, and RNA-modifying enzymes. This chapter covers the resources available on MODOMICS web server and the basic steps that can be undertaken by the user to explore them. MODOMICS is available at .

Methods Mol Biol. 2021:2284() | 29 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
MODOMICS: a database of RNA modification pathways. 2017 update. [PMID: 29106616]
Boccaletto P, Machnicka MA, Purta E, Piatkowski P, Baginski B, Wirecki TK, de Crécy-Lagard V, Ross R, Limbach PA, Kotter A, Helm M, Bujnicki JM.

MODOMICS is a database of RNA modifications that provides comprehensive information concerning the chemical structures of modified ribonucleosides, their biosynthetic pathways, the location of modified residues in RNA sequences, and RNA-modifying enzymes. In the current database version, we included the following new features and data: extended mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography data for modified nucleosides; links between human tRNA sequences and MINTbase - a framework for the interactive exploration of mitochondrial and nuclear tRNA fragments; new, machine-friendly system of unified abbreviations for modified nucleoside names; sets of modified tRNA sequences for two bacterial species, updated collection of mammalian tRNA modifications, 19 newly identified modified ribonucleosides and 66 functionally characterized proteins involved in RNA modification. Data from MODOMICS have been linked to the RNAcentral database of RNA sequences. MODOMICS is available at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2018:46(D1) | 1031 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
MODOMICS: a database of RNA modification pathways--2013 update. [PMID: 23118484]
Machnicka MA, Milanowska K, Osman Oglou O, Purta E, Kurkowska M, Olchowik A, Januszewski W, Kalinowski S, Dunin-Horkawicz S, Rother KM, Helm M, Bujnicki JM, Grosjean H.

MODOMICS is a database of RNA modifications that provides comprehensive information concerning the chemical structures of modified ribonucleosides, their biosynthetic pathways, RNA-modifying enzymes and location of modified residues in RNA sequences. In the current database version, accessible at, we included new features: a census of human and yeast snoRNAs involved in RNA-guided RNA modification, a new section covering the 5'-end capping process, and a catalogue of 'building blocks' for chemical synthesis of a large variety of modified nucleosides. The MODOMICS collections of RNA modifications, RNA-modifying enzymes and modified RNAs have been also updated. A number of newly identified modified ribonucleosides and more than one hundred functionally and structurally characterized proteins from various organisms have been added. In the RNA sequences section, snRNAs and snoRNAs with experimentally mapped modified nucleosides have been added and the current collection of rRNA and tRNA sequences has been substantially enlarged. To facilitate literature searches, each record in MODOMICS has been cross-referenced to other databases and to selected key publications. New options for database searching and querying have been implemented, including a BLAST search of protein sequences and a PARALIGN search of the collected nucleic acid sequences.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2013:41(Database issue) | 659 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
MODOMICS: a database of RNA modification pathways. 2008 update. [PMID: 18854352]
Czerwoniec A, Dunin-Horkawicz S, Purta E, Kaminska KH, Kasprzak JM, Bujnicki JM, Grosjean H, Rother K.

MODOMICS, a database devoted to the systems biology of RNA modification, has been subjected to substantial improvements. It provides comprehensive information on the chemical structure of modified nucleosides, pathways of their biosynthesis, sequences of RNAs containing these modifications and RNA-modifying enzymes. MODOMICS also provides cross-references to other databases and to literature. In addition to the previously available manually curated tRNA sequences from a few model organisms, we have now included additional tRNAs and rRNAs, and all RNAs with 3D structures in the Nucleic Acid Database, in which modified nucleosides are present. In total, 3460 modified bases in RNA sequences of different organisms have been annotated. New RNA-modifying enzymes have been also added. The current collection of enzymes includes mainly proteins for the model organisms Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and is currently being expanded to include proteins from other organisms, in particular Archaea and Homo sapiens. For enzymes with known structures, links are provided to the corresponding Protein Data Bank entries, while for many others homology models have been created. Many new options for database searching and querying have been included. MODOMICS can be accessed at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2009:37(Database issue) | 132 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)
MODOMICS: a database of RNA modification pathways. [PMID: 16381833]
Dunin-Horkawicz S, Czerwoniec A, Gajda MJ, Feder M, Grosjean H, Bujnicki JM.

MODOMICS is the first comprehensive database resource for systems biology of RNA modification. It integrates information about the chemical structure of modified nucleosides, their localization in RNA sequences, pathways of their biosynthesis and enzymes that carry out the respective reactions. MODOMICS also provides literature information, and links to other databases, including the available protein sequence and structure data. The current list of modifications and pathways is comprehensive, while the dataset of enzymes is limited to Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae and sequence alignments are presented only for tRNAs from these organisms. RNAs and enzymes from other organisms will be included in the near future. MODOMICS can be queried by the type of nucleoside (e.g. A, G, C, U, I, m1A, nm5s2U, etc.), type of RNA, position of a particular nucleoside, type of reaction (e.g. methylation, thiolation, deamination, etc.) and name or sequence of an enzyme of interest. Options for data presentation include graphs of pathways involving the query nucleoside, multiple sequence alignments of RNA sequences and tabular forms with enzyme and literature data. The contents of MODOMICS can be accessed through the World Wide Web at

Nucleic Acids Res. 2006:34(Database issue) | 153 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
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Li Yang [2015-06-26]