Database Commons
Database Commons

a catalog of worldwide biological databases

Database Profile

General information

Full name: Plant Metabolic Pathway Databases
Description: The pathways section in the Gramene databases is home for RiceCyc, MaizeCyc, BrachyCyc, SorghumCyc, VitisCyc, EucalyptusCyc, and FragariaCyc, the pathway databases for rice, maize, Bracypodium, sorghum, grape, Eucalyptus and strawberry respectively. It also provides mirrors of pathway databases from Arabidopsis, tomato, potato, pepper, coffee, Medicago, E. coli, and the MetaCyc and PlantCyc reference databases. By providing various species specific databases the portal enables search and browse functions to find genes, reactions, pathways, small molecules and build interspecific comparison between the species specific pathways.
Year founded: 2014
Last update:
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: United States

Contact information

University/Institution: Oregon State University
Country/Region: United States
Contact name (PI/Team): Pankaj Jaiswal, Ph.D.
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


FragariaCyc: A Metabolic Pathway Database for Woodland Strawberry Fragaria vesca. [PMID: 26973684]
Naithani S, Partipilo CM, Raja R, Elser JL, Jaiswal P.

FragariaCyc is a strawberry-specific cellular metabolic network based on the annotated genome sequence of Fragaria vesca L. ssp. vesca, accession Hawaii 4. It was built on the Pathway-Tools platform using MetaCyc as the reference. The experimental evidences from published literature were used for supporting/editing existing entities and for the addition of new pathways, enzymes, reactions, compounds, and small molecules in the database. To date, FragariaCyc comprises 66 super-pathways, 488 unique pathways, 2348 metabolic reactions, 3507 enzymes, and 2134 compounds. In addition to searching and browsing FragariaCyc, researchers can compare pathways across various plant metabolic networks and analyze their data using Omics Viewer tool. We view FragariaCyc as a resource for the community of researchers working with strawberry and related fruit crops. It can help understanding the regulation of overall metabolism of strawberry plant during development and in response to diseases and abiotic stresses. FragariaCyc is available online at

Front Plant Sci. 2016:7() | 7 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)
VitisCyc: a metabolic pathway knowledgebase for grapevine (Vitis vinifera). [PMID: 25538713]
Naithani S, Raja R, Waddell EN, Elser J, Gouthu S, Deluc LG, Jaiswal P.

We have developed VitisCyc, a grapevine-specific metabolic pathway database that allows researchers to (i) search and browse the database for its various components such as metabolic pathways, reactions, compounds, genes and proteins, (ii) compare grapevine metabolic networks with other publicly available plant metabolic networks, and (iii) upload, visualize and analyze high-throughput data such as transcriptomes, proteomes, metabolomes etc. using OMICs-Viewer tool. VitisCyc is based on the genome sequence of the nearly homozygous genotype PN40024 of Vitis vinifera "Pinot Noir" cultivar with 12X v1 annotations and was built on BioCyc platform using Pathway Tools software and MetaCyc reference database. Furthermore, VitisCyc was enriched for plant-specific pathways and grape-specific metabolites, reactions and pathways. Currently VitisCyc harbors 68 super pathways, 362 biosynthesis pathways, 118 catabolic pathways, 5 detoxification pathways, 36 energy related pathways and 6 transport pathways, 10,908 enzymes, 2912 enzymatic reactions, 31 transport reactions and 2024 compounds. VitisCyc, as a community resource, can aid in the discovery of candidate genes and pathways that are regulated during plant growth and development, and in response to biotic and abiotic stress signals generated from a plant's immediate environment. VitisCyc version 3.18 is available online at

Front Plant Sci. 2014:5() | 17 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-27)


All databases:
2848/6000 (52.55%)
Genotype phenotype and variation:
407/852 (52.347%)
579/1143 (49.431%)
183/389 (53.213%)
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Created on: 2018-01-28
Curated by:
Zhang Zhang [2022-06-29]
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