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Database Profile

General information

Full name: Host gene Opposite Correlated TARgets
Description: The HOCTARdb contains the prediction target lists for 290 human intragenic miRNAs and also provides tentative assignments of miRNA function based on Gene Ontology analyses of their predicted targets.
Year founded: 2011
Last update: 2010
Version: 2.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: Italy

Classification & Tag

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Contact information

University/Institution: Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine
Address: Telethon Institute of Genetics and Medicine, Naples, Italy
City: Naples
Country/Region: Italy
Contact name (PI/Team): Gennarino VA
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


HOCTAR database: a unique resource for microRNA target prediction. [PMID: 21435384]
Gennarino VA, Sardiello M, Mutarelli M, Dharmalingam G, Maselli V, Lago G, Banfi S.

microRNAs (miRNAs) are the most abundant class of small RNAs in mammals. They play an important role in regulation of gene expression by inducing mRNA cleavage or translational inhibition. Each miRNA targets an average of 100-200 genes by binding, preferentially, to their 3' UTRs by means of partial sequence complementarity. Most miRNAs are localized within transcriptional units, termed host genes, and show similar expression behavior with respect to their corresponding host genes. Considering the impact of miRNA in the regulation of gene expression and their involvement in a growing number of human disorders, it is vital to develop sensitive computational approaches able to identify miRNA target genes. The HOCTAR database (db) is a publicly available resource collecting ranked list of predicted target genes for 290 intragenic miRNAs annotated in human. HOCTARdb is a unique resource that integrates miRNA target prediction genes and transcriptomic data to score putative miRNA targets looking at the expression behavior of their host genes. We demonstrated, by testing 135 known validated target genes (either at the translational or transcriptional level) for different miRNAs, that the miRNA target prediction lists present in HOCTARdb are highly reliable. Moreover, HOCTARdb associates biological roles to each miRNA-controlled transcriptional network by means of Gene Ontology analysis. This information is easily accessible through a user-friendly query page. The HOCTARdb is available at We believe that a detailed relationship between miRNAs and their target genes and a constant update of the information contained in HOCTARdb will provide an extremely valuable resource to assist the researcher in the discovery of miRNA target genes.

Gene. 2011:480(1-2) | 35 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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Created on: 2018-01-28
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Meiye Jiang [2018-02-26]