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Database Profile

General information

Full name: RIKEN BioResource Center
Description: RIKEN BRC selected as the core facilities for four resources in the NBRP, mouse, arabidopsis, cells and DNA materials.
Year founded: 2002
Last update: 2018
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: Japan

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Contact information

University/Institution: RIKEN
Country/Region: Japan
Contact name (PI/Team): Kazuo Shinozaki
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


A new resource of locally transposed Dissociation elements for screening gene-knockout lines in silico on the Arabidopsis genome. [PMID: 12177482]
Ito T, Motohashi R, Kuromori T, Mizukado S, Sakurai T, Kanahara H, Seki M, Shinozaki K.

We transposed Dissociation (Ds) elements from three start loci on chromosome 5 in Arabidopsis (Nossen ecotype) by using a local transposition system. We determined partial genomic sequences flanking the Ds elements and mapped the elements' insertion sites in 1,173 transposed lines by comparison with the published genomic sequence. Most of the lines contained a single copy of the Ds element. One-half of the lines contained Ds on chromosome 5; in particular, insertion "hot spots" near the three start loci were clearly observed. In the other lines, the Ds elements were transposed across chromosomes. We found other insertion hot spots at the tops of chromosomes 2 and 4, near nucleolus organizer regions 2 and 4, respectively. Another characteristic feature was that the Ds elements tended to transpose near the chromosome ends and rarely transposed near centromeres. The distribution patterns differed among the three start loci, even though they possessed the same Ds construct. More than one-half of the Ds elements were inserted irregularly into the genome; that is, they did not retain the perfect inverted repeat sequence of Ds nor leave perfect target site duplications. This precise analysis of distribution patterns will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the transposing mechanism. From these Ds insertion sites, we have constructed a database for screening gene-knockout mutants in silico. In 583 of the 1,173 lines, the Ds elements were inserted into protein-coding genes, which suggests that these lines are gene-knockout mutants. The database and individual lines will be available freely for academic use from the RIKEN Bio-Resource Center (

Plant Physiol. 2002:129(4) | 68 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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Created on: 2018-02-08
Curated by:
Hao Zhang [2018-03-14]
Hao Zhang [2018-03-03]