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Database Profile

General information

Full name:
Description: HitPredict is a resource of high confidence protein-protein interactions.
Year founded: 2011
Last update: 5/1/2012
Version: v1.0
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: Japan

Contact information

University/Institution: University of Tokyo
Address: 4-6-1 Shirokane-dai,Minato-ku,Tokyo 108-8639,Japan
City: Tokyo
Country/Region: Japan
Contact name (PI/Team): Ashwini Patil
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


HitPredict version 4: comprehensive reliability scoring of physical protein-protein interactions from more than 100 species. [PMID: 26708988]
López Y, Nakai K, Patil A.

HitPredict is a consolidated resource of experimentally identified, physical protein-protein interactions with confidence scores to indicate their reliability. The study of genes and their inter-relationships using methods such as network and pathway analysis requires high quality protein-protein interaction information. Extracting reliable interactions from most of the existing databases is challenging because they either contain only a subset of the available interactions, or a mixture of physical, genetic and predicted interactions. Automated integration of interactions is further complicated by varying levels of accuracy of database content and lack of adherence to standard formats. To address these issues, the latest version of HitPredict provides a manually curated dataset of 398 696 physical associations between 70 808 proteins from 105 species. Manual confirmation was used to resolve all issues encountered during data integration. For improved reliability assessment, this version combines a new score derived from the experimental information of the interactions with the original score based on the features of the interacting proteins. The combined interaction score performs better than either of the individual scores in HitPredict as well as the reliability score of another similar database. HitPredict provides a web interface to search proteins and visualize their interactions, and the data can be downloaded for offline analysis. Data usability has been enhanced by mapping protein identifiers across multiple reference databases. Thus, the latest version of HitPredict provides a significantly larger, more reliable and usable dataset of protein-protein interactions from several species for the study of gene groups. Database URL:

Database (Oxford). 2015:2015() | 43 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)
HitPredict: a database of quality assessed protein-protein interactions in nine species. [PMID: 20947562]
Patil A, Nakai K, Nakamura H.

Despite the availability of a large number of protein-protein interactions (PPIs) in several species, researchers are often limited to using very small subsets in a few organisms due to the high prevalence of spurious interactions. In spite of the importance of quality assessment of experimentally determined PPIs, a surprisingly small number of databases provide interactions with scores and confidence levels. We introduce HitPredict (, a database with quality assessed PPIs in nine species. HitPredict assigns a confidence level to interactions based on a reliability score that is computed using evidence from sequence, structure and functional annotations of the interacting proteins. HitPredict was first released in 2005 and is updated annually. The current release contains 36,930 proteins with 176,983 non-redundant, physical interactions, of which 116,198 (66%) are predicted to be of high confidence.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2011:39(Database issue) | 58 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
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Lina Ma [2018-06-13]
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Chunlei Yu [2015-11-19]
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