URL: | http://remap.univ-amu.fr |
Full name: | ReMap |
Description: | ReMap is an integrative analysis of Homo sapiens and Arabidopsis thaliana transcriptional regulators from DNA-binding experiments such as ChIP-seq, ChIP-exo, DAP-seq from public sources (GEO, ENCODE, ENA). The ReMap human atlas consists of 165 million (M) peaks from 1,135 transcription factors (TFs), transcription coactivators (TCAs) and chromatin-remodeling factors (CRFs). The ReMap Arabidopsis regulatory atlas consists of 2.6M peaks from 372 transcriptionnal regulators. |
Year founded: | 2020 |
Last update: | 2021 |
Version: | |
Accessibility: |
Country/Region: | France |
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University/Institution: | Aix Marseille University |
Address: | Benoit Ballester Laboratoire TAGC/INSERM U1090 Parc Scientifique de Luminy 163, Avenue de Luminy - case 928 13288 MARSEILLE cedex 09 FRANCE |
Province/State: | |
Country/Region: | France |
Contact name (PI/Team): | Benoit Ballester |
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk): | benoit.ballester@inserm.fr |