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Database Profile


General information

Full name: transcriptional regulatory information of lncRNAs
Description: TRlnc is a comprehensive database for human transcriptional regulatory information of lncRNAs. It integrates 91,906 lncRNA genes and their annotation information from GENCODE and NONCODE, and identifies 8,683,028 typical enhancers/super-enhancers and 32,348,244 chromatin accessibility regions for these lncRNAs based on over 900 human H3K27ac ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and DNase-seq samples. TRlnc provides the detailed genetic and epigenetic annotation information within transcriptional regulatory regions of lncRNAs.
Year founded: 2020
Last update: 2020
Version: v1.0
Country/Region: China

Classification & Tag

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Contact information

University/Institution: Harbin Medical University
Address: School of Medical Informatics, Daqing Campus, Harbin Medical University, Daqing 163319, China
City: Harbin
Province/State: Heilongjiang
Country/Region: China
Contact name (PI/Team): Chunquan Li
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


TRlnc: a comprehensive database for human transcriptional regulatory information of lncRNAs. [PMID: 32047897]
Yanyu Li, Xuecang Li, Yongsan Yang, Meng Li, Fengcui Qian, Zhidong Tang, Jianmei Zhao, Jian Zhang, Xuefeng Bai, Yong Jiang, Jianyuan Zhou, Yuexin Zhang, Liwei Zhou, Jianjun Xie, Enmin Li, Qiuyu Wang, Chunquan Li

Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) have been proven to play important roles in transcriptional processes and biological functions. With the increasing study of human diseases and biological processes, information in human H3K27ac ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and DNase-seq datasets is accumulating rapidly, resulting in an urgent need to collect and process data to identify transcriptional regulatory regions of lncRNAs. We therefore developed a comprehensive database for human regulatory information of lncRNAs (TRlnc,, which aimed to collect available resources of transcriptional regulatory regions of lncRNAs and to annotate and illustrate their potential roles in the regulation of lncRNAs in a cell type-specific manner. The current version of TRlnc contains 8 683 028 typical enhancers/super-enhancers and 32 348 244 chromatin accessibility regions associated with 91 906 human lncRNAs. These regions are identified from over 900 human H3K27ac ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq and DNase-seq samples. Furthermore, TRlnc provides the detailed genetic and epigenetic annotation information within transcriptional regulatory regions (promoter, enhancer/super-enhancer and chromatin accessibility regions) of lncRNAs, including common SNPs, risk SNPs, eQTLs, linkage disequilibrium SNPs, transcription factors, methylation sites, histone modifications and 3D chromatin interactions. It is anticipated that the use of TRlnc will help users to gain in-depth and useful insights into the transcriptional regulatory mechanisms of lncRNAs.

Brief. Bioinformatics. 2020:() | 16 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)


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Created on: 2020-11-08
Curated by:
Xinyu Zhou [2023-03-02]
Lina Ma [2023-02-18]
Lin Liu [2022-08-31]
Lin Liu [2022-08-23]
Lin Liu [2021-03-12]
zhu tong [2020-11-25]
zhu tong [2020-11-24]
Yitong Pan [2020-11-08]