Database Commons
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Database Profile

General information

Full name:
Description: Mollusca is the second largest animal phylum and represents one of the most evolutionarily successful animal groups. MolluscDB represents the most comprehensive genomics database specifically for molluscs, by integrating current large amounts of genomic resources and providing convenient tools for multi-level integrative and comparative analyses. MolluscDB provides a highly-valuable, open-access genomics platform for molluscan research community, by allowing for user-defined comprehensive analysis of ever-growing molluscan genomic resources, and expediting new scientific discoveries for this super species-rich but genomically poorly explored animal phylum.
Year founded: 2021
Last update:
Real time : Checking...
Country/Region: China

Contact information

University/Institution: Ocean University of China
Address: Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China
Country/Region: China
Contact name (PI/Team): Yuli Li
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


MolluscDB: an integrated functional and evolutionary genomics database for the hyper-diverse animal phylum Mollusca. [PMID: 33219670]
Liu F, Li Y, Yu H, Zhang L, Hu J, Bao Z, Wang S.

Mollusca represents the second largest animal phylum but remains poorly explored from a genomic perspective. While the recent increase in genomic resources holds great promise for a deep understanding of molluscan biology and evolution, access and utilization of these resources still pose a challenge. Here, we present the first comprehensive molluscan genomics database, MolluscDB (, which compiles and integrates current molluscan genomic/transcriptomic resources and provides convenient tools for multi-level integrative and comparative genomic analyses. MolluscDB enables a systematic view of genomic information from various aspects, such as genome assembly statistics, genome phylogenies, fossil records, gene information, expression profiles, gene families, transcription factors, transposable elements and mitogenome organization information. Moreover, MolluscDB offers valuable customized datasets or resources, such as gene coexpression networks across various developmental stages and adult tissues/organs, core gene repertoires inferred for major molluscan lineages, and macrosynteny analysis for chromosomal evolution. MolluscDB presents an integrative and comprehensive genomics platform that will allow the molluscan community to cope with ever-growing genomic resources and will expedite new scientific discoveries for understanding molluscan biology and evolution.

Nucleic Acids Res. 2021:49(D1) | 22 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2024-04-20)


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266/1143 (76.815%)
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Created on: 2021-11-15
Curated by:
Lin Liu [2021-11-15]