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General information

Full name: A data portal of expression,function and network of splice isoforms in the mouse
Description: MIsoMine is an integrated data portal for isoform-level expression, function and network analysis in the mouse.
Year founded: 2015
Last update: 2015-04-07
Version: V 1.0
Country/Region: United States

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Contact information

University/Institution: University of Michigan
Address: Ann Arbor,MI 48109,USA
City: Ann Arbor
Province/State: MI
Country/Region: United States
Contact name (PI/Team): Yuanfang Guan
Contact email (PI/Helpdesk):


MIsoMine: a genome-scale high-resolution data portal of expression, function and networks at the splice isoform level in the mouse. [PMID: 25953081]
Li HD, Omenn GS, Guan Y.

Products of multiexon genes, especially in higher organisms, are a mixture of isoforms with different or even opposing functions, and therefore need to be treated separately. However, most studies and available resources such as Gene Ontology provide only gene-level function annotations, and therefore lose the differential information at the isoform level. Here we report MIsoMine, a high-resolution portal to multiple levels of functional information of alternatively spliced isoforms in the mouse. This data portal provides tissue-specific expression patterns and co-expression networks, along with such previously published functional genomic data as protein domains, predicted isoform-level functions and functional relationships. The core utility of MIsoMine is allowing users to explore a preprocessed, quality-controlled set of RNA-seq data encompassing diverse tissues and cell lineages. Tissue-specific co-expression networks were established, allowing a 2D ranking of isoforms and tissues by co-expression patterns. The results of the multiple isoforms of the same gene are presented in parallel to facilitate direct comparison, with cross-talking to prioritized functions at the isoform level. MIsoMine provides the first isoform-level resolution effort at genome-scale. We envision that this data portal will be a valuable resource for exploring functional genomic data, and will complement the existing functionalities of the mouse genome informatics database and the gene expression database for the laboratory mouse. Database URL: © The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press.

Database (Oxford). 2015:2015() | 11 Citations (from Europe PMC, 2025-03-15)


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Created on: 2015-06-20
Curated by:
Lin Liu [2016-03-29]
Li Yang [2015-06-26]