Editome Disease Knowledgebase
Editome-disease associations based on literature curation and integrative analysis

Editome Disease Knowledgebase

The host-mediated RNA editing sites have been identified in diverse viruses. Based on the deaminase roles during the process of virus infection, the interaction between RNA editing enzymes and viruses can be classified into two categories, namely, deamination-dependent and deamination-independent. For the former, ADARs and APOBECs catalyze the hydrolytic deamination directly on viral RNA substrates. For the latter, ADARs and APOBECs can be involved in host immune response pathways without deamination but interact with viral proteins, viral RNAs, or other host immune factors. Regardless of whether deamination is dependent or independent, host-mediated RNA editing can substantially influence the viral life cycle, host adaptation, or evolutionary directions to some extent (Zhu, T. et al, Biology Direct, 2023). To summary host-mediated RNA editing in different viruses that cause human diseases, EDK provides 181 associations across 43 viruses. Each virus is assigned with a unique page and associated with a wealth of detailed editing information.

Viruses Associated with Deamination-Dependent Interaction
Virus Virus Type Virus Abbreviation Host Disease Enzyme Edited Gene Editing Type Editing Level
Viruses Associated with Deamination-Independent Interaction
Virus Virus Type Virus Abbreviation Host Disease Enzyme Correlation Regulation