Editome Disease Knowledgebase
Editome-disease associations based on literature curation and integrative analysis

Editome Disease Knowledgebase

An overarching goal of Editome Disease Knowledgebase (EDK) is to create RNA editing resources for the research community. EDK strives to provide high-quality, accessible RNA editing-disease associations to the research community based on literature curation and integrative analysis. Moreover, the original RNA editing profiles are generally available via open-access when possible.

EDK is free for academic use only. For any commercial use, please contact us for commercial licensing terms.

Literature Curation
Associations File Size Download
Edited Gene-Disease Associations
csv 9KB
Editing Site-Disease Associations
csv 198KB
Virus-Disease Associations
csv 104KB
Enzyme-Disease Associations
csv 34KB
Analysis Pipeline
Description File Size Download
The pipeline of high-quality RNA editing site identification in EDK
zip 4441KB