Summary: The goal was to capture the transcriptional activity due to over-expression of AKT, BAD, ERBB2, IGF1R, RAF1 and KRAS(G12V) genes .Overexpressions were validated using Western Blots. Illumina RNA-Seq technology was used to capture the downstream transcriptional activity. Reads were 101 base pairs long and single ended. An R open source package “Rsubread” was used to align and quantify the read using UCSC hg19 annotation. The integer-based gene counts were later normalized in TPM.
Overall Design: Profiles of gene expression, downstream of AKT, BAD, ERBB2, IGF1R, RAF1 and KRAS(G12V) over-expression, were generated in cells derived from breast and used to generate a gene-expression signatures.
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