Gene Expression Nebulas
A data portal of transcriptomic profiles analyzed by a unified pipeline across multiple species

Gene Expression Nebulas

A data portal of transcriptome profiles across multiple species

PRJNA375756: The Drosophila Embryo at Single-Cell Transcriptome Resolution

Source: NCBI / GSE95025
Submission Date: Feb 17 2017
Release Date: Sep 01 2017
Update Date: Dec 09 2019

Summary: By the onset of morphogenesis, Drosophila embryos consist of about 6000 cells that express distinct gene combinations. Here, we used single-cell sequencing of precisely staged embryos and devised DistMap, a computational mapping strategy to reconstruct the embryo and to predict spatial gene expression approaching single-cell resolution. We produce a virtual embryo with about 8000 expressed genes per cell. Our interactive “Drosophila-Virtual-Expression-eXplorer” (DVEX) database generates three-dimensional virtual in situ hybridizations and computes gene expression gradients. We used DVEX to uncover patterned expression of transcription factors and long noncoding RNAs, as well as signaling pathway components. Spatial regulation of Hippo signaling during early embryogenesis suggests a mechanism for establishing asynchronous cell proliferation. Our approach is suitable to generate transcriptomic blueprints for other complex tissues.

Overall Design: Single cell transcriptomics of the early Drosophila embryo were generated using Drop-seq

GEN Datasets:
Healthy Condition:
Development Stage:
Growth Protocol: Egg lays occurred in 1 hour intervals; embryos were aged for 2:30 hours (D. melanogaster) or 3:30 hours (D. virilis) at room temperature.
Treatment Protocol: Dechorionated embryos were staged and stage 6 embryos hand-picked into ice-cold PBS-Triton 0.1%. fixation: 80% methanol/PBS
Extract Protocol: Embryos were dissociated first in a Dounce homogenizer and then further using a syringe with 22G x 2" needle, followed by filtering through 20 um cell strainer and fixation in 80% methanol/PBS
Library Construction Protocol: Captured transcriptomes were reverse transcribed while bound on barcoded oligo dT beads; PCR handles added by template switching; cDNA PCR-amplified (4 + 9 cycles); 600 pg cDNA library fragmented and amplified with Nextera XT v2 DNA sample preparation kit using custom primers for 3'-targeted amplification (Macosko et al. 2015 Cell 161)Drop-seq single-cell transcriptome profiling according to Macosko et al. 2015 Cell 161
Molecule Type: poly(A)+ RNA
Library Source:
Library Layout: PAIRED
Library Strand: Forward
Platform: ILLUMINA
Instrument Model: Illumina NextSeq 500
Strand-Specific: Specific
Basic Information:
Sample Characteristic:
Biological Condition:
Experimental Variables:
Assessing Quality:
Data Resource GEN Sample ID GEN Dataset ID Project ID BioProject ID Sample ID Sample Name BioSample ID Sample Accession Experiment Accession Release Date Submission Date Update Date Species Race Ethnicity Age Age Unit Gender Source Name Tissue Cell Type Cell Subtype Cell Line Disease Disease State Development Stage Mutation Phenotype Case Detail Control Detail Growth Protocol Treatment Protocol Extract Protocol Library Construction Protocol Molecule Type Library Layout Strand-Specific Library Strand Spike-In Strategy Platform Instrument Model Cell Number Reads Number Gbases AvgSpotLen1 AvgSpotLen2 Uniq Mapping Rate Multiple Mapping Rate Coverage Rate
The Drosophila embryo at single-cell transcriptome resolution.
Science (New York, N.Y.) . 2017-08-31 [PMID: 28860209]