Gene Expression Nebulas
A data portal of transcriptomic profiles analyzed by a unified pipeline across multiple species

Gene Expression Nebulas

A data portal of transcriptome profiles across multiple species

PRJNA627860: RV infections in asthmatics increase ACE2 expression and stimulate cytokine pathways implicated in COVID19

Source: NCBI / GSE149273
Submission Date: Apr 24 2020
Release Date:
Update Date: Jul 26 2020

Summary: We present evidence that (1) viral respiratory infections are potential mechanisms of ACE2 overexpression in patients with asthma and (2) ACE activation regulates multiple cytokine anti-viral responses that could explain a mechanism for cytokine surge and associated tissue damage. These results suggest that the recent finding of severe COVID-19 in asthma patients with recent exacerbations may be attributable to synergistic biomolecular interactions with viral co-infections.

Overall Design: In a paired design experiments across discovery and validation cohorts of in asthmatic patients the biological replicates treated with RVA and RVC were compared to non-treated ones.

GEN Datasets:
Healthy Condition:
Growth Protocol: We developed well-differentiated ciliated air-liquid interface (ALI) cultures from nasal tissues biopsied from thirty adults with physician-diagnosed asthma.
Treatment Protocol: -
Extract Protocol: RNA was extracted from whole-cell lysates, mapped to the UCSC transcript set using Bowtie2 (v2.1.0) and the gene expression level was estimated using standard techniques.
Library Construction Protocol: Libraries for RNA-Seq were prepared with Kapa Stranded mRNA. The workflow consisted of mRNA enrichment, cDNA generation, and end repair to generate blunt ends, A-tailing, adaptor ligation and PCR amplification. Different adaptors were used for multiplexing samples in one lane.
Molecule Type: rRNA- RNA
Library Source:
Library Layout: SINGLE
Library Strand: Forward
Platform: ILLUMINA
Instrument Model: Illumina HiSeq 3000
Strand-Specific: Specific
Basic Information:
Sample Characteristic:
Biological Condition:
Experimental Variables:
Assessing Quality:
Data Resource GEN Sample ID GEN Dataset ID Project ID BioProject ID Sample ID Sample Name BioSample ID Sample Accession Experiment Accession Release Date Submission Date Update Date Species Race Ethnicity Age Age Unit Gender Source Name Tissue Cell Type Cell Subtype Cell Line Disease Disease State Development Stage Mutation Phenotype Case Detail Control Detail Growth Protocol Treatment Protocol Extract Protocol Library Construction Protocol Molecule Type Library Layout Strand-Specific Library Strand Spike-In Strategy Platform Instrument Model Cell Number Reads Number Gbases AvgSpotLen1 AvgSpotLen2 Uniq Mapping Rate Multiple Mapping Rate Coverage Rate
Rhinovirus Infections in Individuals with Asthma Increase ACE2 Expression and Cytokine Pathways Implicated in COVID-19.
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine . 2020-09-01 [PMID: 32649217]